Beach n Bites  FAQ’s:

 For Terms & conditions click here 

Q:           COVID-19
A:          If you are feeling unwell DO NOT attend this event.
Destination Orewa Beach  will be led by the (Covid-19 related) Government Guidelines for Gatherings in Public spaces.
In the event of a cancellation due to Covid-19 lockdown, a full refund will be given.

Q:           I am dining with 5 friends; can we all choose different menus?
A:            No, each restaurant has 20-48 seats in one block within the overall table. All members of a group need to book the same menu to ensure they sit at the same table block.

Q:           Are seats pre- allocated?
A:            Yes, to ensure that groups are seated together and no ad-hoc seats are left for late arrivals, all diners will receive an email prior to the event with their pre-set seat numbers.

Q:           Can I bring my own wine / beer?
A:            No, the event space is fully licenced under a special licence.  No BYO is permitted.  Bag checks may be undertaken on arrival at the event.
There will be three pop up bars around the table serving beer, wine and soft drinks.  Low alcohol beers will be available.
There is a 24/7 liquor ban outside the event space so no alcohol can be taken outside the event space either

Q:           Is eftpos available?
A:            Yes in fact it is the preferred payment method for drink purchases.

Q:           Can I change my mind once I have booked my seats?
A:            The website is not enabled to change bookings once they have been confirmed.

Q:           Can we make a large group booking?
A:            Groups bookings of up to 10 people can be made. Larger groups can be requested pending availability.

Q:           What happens if it rains?
A:            A decision will be made by 1pm on the 4th if the weather looks unsavoury. All diners will be notified by text and email that the rain date will apply (Sunday 5th).
If it rains on the 5th also (decision made by 1pm) the event will be cancelled and each persons ‘event ticket’ will become a  voucher for the restaurant they booked for the event, less $35**.  These ticket vouchers will be valid for 3 months, so do not need to be used on the event night.
** The remaining $35 ticket cost will be forfeited to cover fixed costs which apply whether the event proceeds or not (website creation, marketing, printing, licencing costs, road closure advisory processes etc.)

Q:           I have a food allergy/intolerance; can a menu be adapted for me?
A:           The restaurant The Real Food Kitchen  has a vegan / gluten free menu.
We cannot guarantee that menu’s will be free of allergens, as such we suggest the menu best suited to your dietary needs, is selected.

Q:           Do we have to sit at the table all evening?
A:            No, not at all.  The event is formatted to make the most of the summer al fresco environment.
On arrival, diners will stand, mix and mingle, whilst listening to background music.
Diners will be seated around 7.00pm,  entree will be served at 7.15pm and the main course at 8pm.
After dinner, diners can stay at the table or move to the bar leaners for a more convivial atmosphere to listen to the band or even have a dance.

Q:           Where in Orewa is the event being held?
A:            On a closed section of Hibiscus Coast Highway, between Tamariki  Avenue and the Roundabout at Florence Avenue.

Q:           What is the dress code?
A:            Wear what you would wear to a dinner party or out to a nice restaurant.  Being outdoor and beside the beach, a sweater or similar is recommended.

Q:           Can I smoke at the event?
A:            No.  For the comfort of all, this is a 100% non-smoking event.  Smokers must leave the event space to smoke*.  For those choosing to do this, your alcoholic beverage cannot be taken with you.
*the smoking ban includes tobacco products, e-cigarettes and vapes.

Q:           Will alternate transport be available at the event conclusion?
A:            Contact details for local Uber, taxi and shuttle services will be available on the night.  Due to the limited number of such drivers on the Coast, if you anticipate using such transport we suggest you book your Uber / Taxi in advance.